About Me

Hello! I am Nambua Nteka

about the founder

My Background

I majored in Mechanical Engineering, but I don’t define myself by academic titles or professions. While my degree shaped a part of me, my true potential lies in my versatility and curiosity. I am driven by a desire to explore life’s possibilities and turn complex ideas into practical advice.

A Curious and Stubborn Child

From a young age, I was considered the “stubborn child” of the family—the one who questioned everything, including conventional wisdom, and dared to challenge elders with insightful observations. My intense curiosity often led to punishment, but I refused to suppress it because I recognized that my ability to think differently was a gift. Breaking norms and challenging conventions became my second nature.

A Curious and Stubborn Child

From a young age, I was considered the “stubborn child” of the family—the one who questioned everything, including conventional wisdom, and dared to challenge elders with insightful observations. My intense curiosity often led to punishment, but I refused to suppress it because I recognized that my ability to think differently was a gift. Breaking norms and challenging conventions became my second nature.

Choosing Courage Over Conformity

I realized that conformity can suppress potential and block progress. So, I chose to forge my own path, acting freely and refusing to conform because of tradition, religion, or societal expectations. I have always held the belief that innovation and transformation demand courage—the courage to question, to challenge, and to change.

Questioning Inequality

For many years, I believed that some people seemed destined for abundance while others were doomed to face endless struggles. Was it luck? Was it fate? These thoughts haunted me until they became too uncomfortable to ignore. I continued my research, delving deeper—and sometimes seemingly foolish—questions. I sought answers that went beyond the surface.

Observing Life’s Truths

I have studied people from all walks of life — the thriving and struggling, the joyful and heartbroken, the wealthy and impoverished. My observations have revealed a profound truth: living a fulfilling and happy life doesn’t come from conforming to societal norms. It comes from liberating the mind and breaking free from limiting beliefs.

An Invitation to Transformation

If you feel you’ve been settling for less in life and desire change, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. To stay connected, follow me on my social media platforms and subscribe to the TransformNEST Newsletter. Together, we will explore topics that challenge societal conventions, spark meaningful conversations, and elevate our lives.


Breaking the Pattern of Autopilot Living

From Victim to Victor: Taking control of your life

Many people perceive life as a series of random events, believing that their destiny is dictated by external forces such as governments, corporations, spouses, or chance. They view their role as merely to comply. In this mindset, dreams are surrendered, and the extraordinary power to create, transform, and lead remains untapped.

At TransformNEST,

Awakening the Sleeping Giant Within

Our mission is to deconstruct limiting beliefs and awaken the dormant giant within each individual. We are committed to liberating the world from societal constraints and empowering people to realize that the power to create their dream life lies within them.

Inspiring Bold Action and Purposeful Living

Our purpose is to inspire individuals to reclaim responsibility for their lives through empowerment, awakening, and decisive action. We aim to unleash a wave of enlightened people who dare to create a future filled with purpose, passion, and pride.

"Our vision is to create a world where EVERYONE can realize their ultimate potential and take charge of creating the life they desire"

"Our mission is to empower individuals, challenge societal norms, and ignite a sense of purpose in every life we touch"

Unleash Your Inner Power. Discover a new perspective on life and achieve remarkable results. TransformNEST is your gateway to unlocking your full potential!